
Recently named Artist of the Week by Radio ArtsIndonesa, October 2011, Teguh Sukaryo is Indonesia's leading pianist, recording artist and music educator. Teguh has performed in various parts of the globe, including in Europe, USA and Australia. Mission is to touch every heart in a gentle, caring way, as he continues to dream: “A world of harmony, abundant in peace, love and joy”. While working towards fulfilling this mission through music, critics and musicians continue to give favorable testimony:
“Master pianist. Teguh Sukaryo gave phenomenal recital. He showed fabulous technique and sensibility, with temperament and visible passion.” Airplay Radio en IJssellandTV, Netherlands
”Personality and Wonderful imagination” Byron Janis, legendary pianist
“Now captivating..now hypnotizing” Kompas, Indonesia
"Climactic craze. Electrifying and full of spirit" Koran Tempo
"An Enchanting piano playing which travels through time and space...striking and very memorable" Arts Indonesia
"Marvelous,...a gem,..an example of grand. Teguh has the fantasia and technique to reach to the Absolute Top" NoordHollands Dagblad
"World top 15" Bali Post
“A Star. World class pianist.” Suara Merdeka
"World Master Pianist, Perfect Presentation of Combined Harmony and Emotion. Anesthetized music lovers. The sound he produced was a reminiscence of beautiful symphony." Kaltim Post
Teguh Sukaryo has studied with Jon Kimura Parker, Peter Takacs, Michael Gurt, and Carmel Lutton, and has been coached by Byron Janis and Einar-Steen Nokleberg. His conducting teachers included Paul Polivnick, Anton Krager, and Frank Wickes. A dedicated teacher himself, Sukaryo was a Joseph and Ida Kirkland Mullen Fellow and served as a faculty member at Rice University Preparatory Program. Teguh is a devoted teacher with twenty years of experience (began teaching at the age of fifteen). Teaching has always been an important part of his life. While continuing giving workshops and masterclasses for advanced students, Teguh also finds it necessary to fight his way back to nurturing younger students through highest quality of music education, as he believes good music foundation is of prime importance.
Teguh Sukaryo graduated with a BMus degree in Piano Performance from Newcastle Conservatorium of Music, NSW, Australia, in 1998 where he always received the coveted High Distinction for his recitals. In 2005, Teguh won the Beethoven Prize in the Grieg International Competition for Pianists, held in Oslo, Norway. Teguh received many awards and full scholarships to further study in USA at such prestigious schools as Oberlin Conservatory, where he graduated with the Artist Diploma (2001); Rice University/Shepherd School of Music, Master of Music (2003); and Louisiana State University, where he studied for his Doctorate course (2003-2004).
His discography includes "Teguh Sukaryo - Brahms, Mompou and Mussorgsky", "Scenes of Childhood" (works by Schumann, Debussy, Turina and Mompou), Burgmuller Op. 100, and Burgmuller Op. 109. In a couple of months, he is scheduled to release six piano pedagogy albums, which will consequently set him as a world record breaker in two categories: 1) Classical musician who cuts the most albums in one single production; and 2) Pianist who produces the most solo albums in the piano pedagogy field. In the year 2012, Teguh will present to the world his new solo albums called "Asia" (featuring classical music of asian influence/origin), "Teguh Sukaryo plays Mompou", and "Teguh Sukaryo plays Ravel".
Teguh Sukaryo is the founder and the Artistic Director of group Musik Klasik Indonesia (MKI) - The largest, most educative and informative classical music group in Indonesia; Owner and President of Teguh Sukaryo International Music School - South Jakarta; And Artistic Director of Kusuma Widjaja Music Medan. Teguh was born and grew up in Purwokerto, Central Java. He loves Indonesia - the culture and the people. He also loves nature and arts, and enjoys making friends from all walks of life.
(Versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Adalah kecintaan yang sejati terhadap musik, yang dipadukan dengan talenta, hasrat artistic, cita rasa, kejujuran dan kerendahan hati, yang telah membawa Teguh Sukaryo untuk tampil di berbagai negara, termasuk USA, Eropa dan Australia. Misinya adalah untuk menyentuh setiap hati dengan lembut dan rasa kepedulian, seperti yang diimpikannya: “Dunia yang harmonis, berlimpah kedamaian, cinta dan suka cita”. Sembari mengejar misi ini, berbagai media dan kritik turut memberi kesaksian perihal karya Teguh:
“Master pianist. Teguh Sukaryo gave phenomenal recital. He showed fabulous technique and sensibility. Great imagination..with temperament and visible passion.” Airplay Radio en IJssellandTV, Netherlands
“Tremendous personality. Wonderful imagination.” Byron Janis, legendary pianist
"Marvelous,...a gem,..an example of grand. Teguh has the fantasia and technique to reach to the absolute top" NoordHollands Dagblad
“Now captivating..now hypnotizing” Kompas, Indonesia
"Climactic craze. Electrifying and full of spirit" Koran Tempo
“An enchanting piano playing which travels through time and space…striking and very memorable” Arts Indonesia
“A Star. World class pianist.” Suara Merdeka
“World top 15” Bali Post
"World Master Pianist, Perfect Presentation of Combined Harmony and Emotion. Anesthetized music lovers. The sound he produced was a reminiscence of beautiful symphony" Kaltim Post
Teguh Sukaryo lulus S1 pada bidang Piano Performance dari Newcastle Conservatorium of Music, Australia. Disana dia mengambil Double Performance Strand dan selalu mendapat nilai tertinggi, yaitu High Distinction. Dikenal memiliki kemampuan artistry tinggi dan teknik yang handal, Teguh menperoleh berbagai penghargaan dan beasiswa penuh untuk melanjutkan seluruh studinya di USA, seperti di sekolah-sekolah tinggi terkemuka: Oberlin Conservatory, yang mana dia mendapat gelar Artist Diploma; Rice University/Shepherd School of Music, Master of Music; and Louisiana State University, tempat Teguh sedang menyelesaikan gelar Doktoralnya (DMA, Doctorate of Musical Arts). Tahun 1997, Teguh memperoleh Top Prize di Armidale Open Piano Competition, NSW, Australia; Tahun 2000, Chamber Music Scholarship and award di Sewanee Summer Music Festival, USA; Tahun 2005, “Beethoven Prize” di Grieg International Competition for Pianists, di Oslo.
Teguh Sukaryo belajar dengan pianist kenamaan dan guru besar di Amerika, Eropa dan Australia, antara lain Jon Kimura Parker, Peter Takacs, Michael Gurt, and Carmel Lutton. Teguh juga dilatih oleh pianist legendaris Byron Janis dan Einar Steen-Nokleberg. Selain dibidang piano, Teguh juga menekuni dunia conducting. Guru-gurunya antara lain Prof. Paul Polivnick, Prof. Anton Krager, dan Prof. Frank Wickes.
Bakat dan dedikasi Teguh dalam dunia pendidikan musik juga sangat kuat. Teguh rutin memberi workshop dan masterclass di berbagai tempat, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Seorang Joseph and Ida Kirkland Mullen Fellow, Teguh telah mengajar di department Prepatory Program di Rice University, Houston, USA. Sebagai seorang guru, Teguh sangat menghargai individualitas setiap pelajar sebagai keunikan yang Tuhan berikan kepada masing-masing dari mereka. Murid-murid Teguh datang dari berbagai keragaman umur, serta kemampuan intelektual dan latar belakang yang berbeda: dari umur balita hingga manula, dari dokter hingga arsitek, dari kalangan hobbyist hingga mereka yang lebih lagi serius mempelajari musik. Satu metode kunci yang selalu diterapkan oleh Teguh adalah kedisiplinan yang tidak mengenal kompromi didalam proses mendidik, yang selalu dibarengi dengan enjoyment of music making, penanaman kecintaan terhadap musik, serta dukungan moril yang tidak pernah pudar - menjadikan sebuah metode yang paling berkualitas, efektif dan long lasting. Banyak murid-murid yang terinspirasi dan mendapat nilai tertinggi pada ujian akhir tahun mereka. Diantaranya juga berhasil lolos audisi masuk di konservatori-konservatori bergengsi di Amerika Serikat. Serian referensi audio pendidikan piano untuk semua pelajar dan guru yang sedang dikerjakan oleh Teguh menjadi bukti kecintaannya dalam dunia pendidikan yang berkualitas.
Album Teguh Sukaryo yang telah terbit terdiri dari " Teguh Sukaryo - Brahms, Mompou and Mussorgsky", "Scenes of Childhood" (Schumann, Debussy, Turina, and Mompou), Burgmuller Op. 100, dan Burgmuler Op. 109. Beberapa saat lagi, Teguh akan merilis enam album pendidikan piano baru, yg akan memecahkan rekor dunia dalam dua kategori: 1) Musisi klasik pertama di dunia yang merilis album terbanyak dalam satu kali produksi, dan 2) Pianis yang membuat album pendidikan piano terbanyak didunia. Tahun 2012, Teguh berencana untuk merilis album-album barunya yang berjudul "Asia" (komposisi2 yang bernuansa Asia), "Teguh Sukaryo plays Ravel" dan "Teguh Sukaryo plays Mompou"
Teguh lahir dan besar di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah. Dia mencintai Indonesia, baik budaya dan manusianya. Teguh juga sangat mencintai alam, seni, dan kemanusiaan. Dia senang bergaul dengan siapa saja dan dengan semua kalangan, tanpa memandang agama, warna kulit dan status sosial. Teguh Sukaryo adalah pencipta dan Artistic Director group Musik Klasik Indonesia (MKI) - Group musik klasik terbesar di tanah air; Pemilik dan President Teguh Sukaryo International Music School - South Jakarta; Artistic Director Kusuma Widjaja Music, Medan; Artist of the Week, Radio ArtsIndonesia, October 2011
Update Per 2011
Sumber: http://www.facebook.com/teguh.sukaryo?sk=info.
Review oleh Mr. Ronald B. Hutasuhut:
"Akar Yang Kuat Menopang Pohon Yang Besar"
Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang Teguh Sukaryo, silakan kunjungi beliau di:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/teguh.sukaryo
To see Teguh Sukaryo's performances, visit this YouTube channel:
Discography: (Per 2011 - Audio CD)
1. Teguh Sukaryo - Mompou, Brahms & Mussorgsky
2. Teguh Sukaryo - Scenes of Childhood
3. Friedrich Burgmuller - 18 Character Studies Op. 109
4. Friedrich Burgmuller - 25 Easy and Progressive Studies for the Piano Op. 100
Semua produk rekaman Teguh Sukaryo dapat dibeli lewat blog ini, juga lewat:
Vadis E-Magazine http://vadis.multiply.com (Market, Label: Teguh Sukaryo)
VadisWorld http://vadis.tk, http://vadisworld.blogspot.com (English Language Version)
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