Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Easy Strawberry Pudding recipe - Part 1

Part 1

Part 2

Host Lekshmi Nair shows how to cook 'Strawberry Pudding' in this episode of 'Magic Oven'.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Heroes of Gaia, Free Browser Game, Online Game, RPG Game, Flash Game

Heroes of Gaia, Free Browser Game, Online Game, RPG Game, Flash Game

Long before the Genesis, the land of Gaia was at a barbarous age of remote antiquity where no kingdom formally existed. Ancient Orcs, the forefathers of Kressia, were rulers of the land at that time. Their tribes scattered all over the whole land. A hero named Maganus, who claimed to be the “Envoy of Ancestors” created Bracada, a human kingdom of wizards. Maganus established a cooperative relation with Jag, the leader of Kressia, and gave them advanced technologies in exchange for abundant resources. From then on, the civilization of Gaia endured rapid development. Suddenly, the disappearance of Maganus and the death of Jag, the relation between these two countries started to deteriorate.

Without the wise leadership of Maganus, Bracada unleashed a war which lasted for 21 years and almost occupied the whole land after it. They defeated Kressia and it became a colony of Bracada.

The reign of Bracada lasted for nearly one thousand years which witnessed great development of the Land of Gaia in terms of productivity as well as culture. During this period, various races emigrated here from other lands, settled down, and started their happy life.

After the orcs endured much hardship, Tannon, an orcish leader, led an uprising which caused the collapse of the Kingdom of Bracada. Although Tannon overturned the reign of Bracada, the conflict hadn’t been eased.

Many hundreds of years past and the races were at peace and prospered as best they could. However, the undead race had other plans in mind. Dreadmoore, the leader of the undead race, was secretly plotting against the other races to rule the land of Gaia. During a council meeting between the races, Dreadmoore led an assassination attempt on the other leaders, killing all but Dagdalon, the leader of the elf race.

Dreadmoore and his followers invaded Zedonia immediately after Dagdalon’s escape. Upon his return, Dagdalon instantly summoned the elven army to fight against Dreadmoore’s demons. The human and orc races wanted revenge and allied with the elves to fight against the undead demons. With the three races combined, they were too powerful for the undead, but Dreadmoore was cunning and devised a secret plan against them.

During the night, he sent three demon spies into the camp of the human race, assassinated the general, and left a weapon known to be used by orcs. Upon discovering the assassination, the humans were enraged and demanded a meeting with the orcs and elves to explain the meaning of this. The orcs denied their involvement and claimed the undead were plotting against them. Blind with rage, the humans ignored the orcs and threatened to attack. A fight broke out between the humans and orcs. Sylvos, the captain of the elvish army, tried to break up the fight and was accidentally killed by Oruk, an orcish leader. To the delight of Dreadmoore, the alliance between the three races was now broken.

The war of the races went on for decades. There were countless battles with many lives lost and the land of Gaia had been separated into five different countries: Zedonia, Avalon, Kressia, Nazeterra, and Corobar. Each race has yet to write their name in the legacy of Gaia. Heroes will emerge and conquer those who are weak. Take fate into your own hands and become a hero of Gaia!

Category: Fantasy Game, Flash Game, RPG Game
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Joni Steak

Suasana malam di Joni Steak Hayam Wuruk

Joni Steak
The Taste of Australia & New Zealand

Oke, setelah lama mencari-cari kesempatan untuk mampir di restoran yang selalu ramai dan (mungkin) sering waiting-list ini, akhirnya kesampaian juga duduk di cabang baru Joni Steak di Jalan Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Barat (Sebelah Bakmi Gajah Mada).

Dan, sekali lagi timbul hasrat untuk mereview...

Masakan: * * * * (4/5)

Selain mutu dan rasanya sesuai dengan harganya yang relatif murah, ada nilai lebih yang membuat steak di sini terasa "unik" dan mendorong orang yang sudah pertama kali mencoba ingin datang kembali dan mencoba lagi variasi lainnya.

Rib Eye dengan Saus Jamur

Kami mencoba Sirloin Steak Import & Rib Eye dengan saus jamur (semuanya well done). Saus jamur ini terasa lebih "halus" daripada rata-rata di pasaran, dan diberikan dengan takaran cukup banyak dan irisan daging sapi yang juga besar. Ah, andai ada cara untuk mendigitalisasi rasa selain suara, gambar dan teks...

Minuman di sini tergolong rata-rata, karena banyak restoran yang juga menyediakan misalnya Terong Belanda, Kietna dsb, dan rasanyapun juga saya nilai cukup oke, walaupun tak terlalu istimewa. Tapi steaknya itu lho, rasa saus jamurnya yang agak sulit dilupakan.

Suasana: * * * (3/5 Standard)

Yah, lagipula saya terlalu terkonsentrasi pada masakan enak daripada duduk santai sambil ngobrol dalam suasana ramai ini. Dekorasi ruangan tampak standar dan sederhana, tipikal restoran keluarga dan petualang kuliner.

Saya belum meninjau ke cabang pertama di Jl. Samanhudi dekat Pasar Baru, dan di cabang Hayam Wuruk ini ada TV projector layar besar dan tape deck untuk setidaknya membuat suasana jadi tidak monoton. Pokoknya yang penting nikmati makanan, ngobrol ramai-ramai dan feel good setelahnya.

Resto ini memang untuk makan, bukan untuk plus nongkrong, apalagi kalau sedang ada waiting list...

Harga: $ $ (2/5 Real Affordable)
Value for Money: * * * * (4/5 Worth my bucks)

Yup, murah-meriah, ini bukan Blacksteer atau Tony Roma's tapi value yang diberikan jelas lebih daripada itu. Mengapa? Tinjau kembali ke review tentang "masakan". Itu jelas.

Sirloin Steak Import dengan Saus Jamur

Sirloin Import : Rp 35.000,-
Rib Eye : Rp 30.000,-
Terong Belanda : Rp 10.000,-

Pelayanan: * * * * (4/5)
Cepat, efisien dan akurat. Menu yang simpel juga ikut membantu, dan makanan cepat jadi dan disajikan walaupun resto sedang ramai-ramainya. Keep up the good work!

Nilai keseluruhan: * * * * (4/5 want to come again)
Kesimpulan? Ingiiiiiiiiinnn sekali mencicipi saus jamurnya lagi, lagi dan lagi... (ew lebay mode off).

Cabang-cabang Joni Steak yang lain:
Jl. Samanhudi Raya No. 65, Pasar Baru - Jakarta Pusat
(Seberang Hotel Sintera).
Telp: (021) 9271 7294

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