Sunday, March 3, 2013

VadisLite - Katalog Buku Per 3 Maret 2013

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Katalog Buku / Novel - Ready Stock
Update per: 3 Maret 2013

- Harga sudah diskon, khusus katalog ini 
- Harga belum termasuk biaya pengiriman

No. Judul Buku Pengarang Keterangan Harga (Rp)
1 FireHeart - Sang Pemburu Andry Chang Fantasi SOLD OUT
2 Qi Xi - Bunga Rampai Asmara Andry Chang dkk.  Fantasi IDR 45,000
3 Love Around You - Kumcer House of Romance Welly Setyawan, Andry Chang dkk. Romance Mixed Genre IDR 37,500
4 Tales of the Deities Riesling - Abdul - Jinbei Fantasi IDR 23,000
5 In the Name of Wish [.Re] Fantasi IDR 20,000

Katalog Buku / Novel - Promo Spesial 
Update per: 3 Maret 2013
- Harga sudah diskon, khusus katalog ini 
- Harga belum termasuk biaya pengiriman
- Khusus katalog ini, persediaan SANGAT TERBATAS
No. Judul Buku Pengarang Keterangan Harga (Rp)
1 Radiance Alyson Noel Fantasi IDR 20,000
2 Shin Suikoden II  Eiji Yoshikawa Sejarah IDR 50,000
3 Homeless Bird Gloria Whelan Drama IDR 20,000
4 Sepatu Dahlan Khrisna Pabichara Biografi SOLD OUT
5 The Espressologist Kristina Springer Drama IDR 30,000
6 Vandaria Saga - Ratu Seribu Tahun Ardani Persada Fantasi SOLD OUT
7 Supernatural - Nevermore Keith RA DeCandido Supernatural IDR 30,000
8 Supernatural - Witch's Canyon Jeff Mariotte Supernatural IDR 30,000
9 Delirium Lauren Oliver IDR 30,000
10 Giganto Koen Setyawan Fantasi IDR 20,000
11 Ther Melian - Discord Shienny MS Fantasi IDR 50,000
12 Perempuan - Cerita dan Fakta Kumpulan Cerpen Elex Drama IDR 20,000
13 Hara Shibubara - Tokyo Street Fashion Paradise Hesti Nurhayati IDR 20,000
14 Young Bond - Blood Fever Charlie Higson Action IDR 30,000
15 Langit Penuh Daya Dewie Sekar Drama IDR 30,000
16 The Godfather of Kathmandu John Burdett Action (English) IDR 20,000
17 Nefertari - Sang Ratu Heretik Michelle Moran Sejarah IDR 35,000
18 Jermal Yovie Adityo Drama IDR 20,000
19 Maximum Ride 5 J. Patterson Supernatural IDR 30,000
20 Amos Duragon - The Mask Wearer Bryan Perro Fantasi (English) IDR 25,000
21 Sebastian Darke Philip Caveney Fantasi IDR 30,000

Untuk pemesanan / pembelian langsung dapat menghubungi:
Andry - E-mail: andrychang-at-gmail-dot-com
Facebook: Andry Chang (
Twitter: @andrychang

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