Monday, November 29, 2010

Rosta Masta! 4: Bus Race

hope this doesn't happen in your city or your country.
the bus drivers in jakarta are so driven to generate more income by getting more passengers, so sometimes they can be violent and inconsiderate. the bright side is: they are quite experienced to be street underground racers - as long as speed is not an issue.

a satyric comic strip about the harsh facts of life.

Friday, November 19, 2010

CM-Rims Batch 08 - November 2010

Shift 22"

Lenso 6-Hole 20"

Dolce 20"

Cruiser Alloy Chrome 20"

Privilege 18"

SSW Stamford Pearly White 17"

Gio 17" 5 legs

Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).

Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:

Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)

Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa

Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services

Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!

- Subject to availability
- Update per November 19, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

RoSta MaSta! 3 - The Jams!

RoSta MaSta! 3: Bangkok Jam vs Jak Jam! by vadis

made by vadis

okay, so according to the survey, bangkok jam still holds the legendary record of the longest traffic jam in the world today (nov 2010 as this cartoon was made).

yet, another legend is rising - the jakarta jam (jak jam). if not the most, it sure is one of the most annoying and dangerous traffic jam in the world today. potholes and floods in the damaged road (road-off, vadis sez), stupid yet desperate-like commuters behavioral (like going against the traffic etc), not to mention debris and dangerous materials like nails, screws people threw on purpose.

in short, it's a picture of a desperate shock for the culture built for years and years not only in bangkok, indonesia, moscow but also some of the peaks of culture in the world.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

RoSta MaSta! 2 - The Proposal

I'm not an actor I'm not a star
and I don't even have my own car
But I'm hoping so much you'll stay
that you will love me anyway

"The Actor" by Michael Learns to Rock

Direct Link:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Festival Pembaca Indonesia 2010

[Goodreads Indonesia]
Festival Pembaca Indonesia 2010

Mau berpartisipasi menjadi peserta pameran atau pengisi talkshow/launching/workshop selama FESTIVAL PEMBACA INDONESIA 2010 yang diselenggarakan oleh Goodreads Indonesia?

Begini caranya:

Pameran Koleksi Buku “Tunjukkan Koleksimu”

Daftarkan diri Anda/organisasi/komunitas/rumah baca/ perpustakaan untuk ikut pameran koleksi buku yang pertama kali dilakukan di Indonesia. Jumlah stand yang tersedia ada 48 stand masing-masing berukuran 2×1 meter. Pameran ini berada di bawah Tenda Pameran seluas 10 x 16 meter.

Untuk menjadi peserta pameran, cukup sediakan buku-buku koleksi yang mau dipamerkan, lalu registrasi kepada kami. Dengan membayar Rp 100.000 atau Rp 150.000, peserta pameran akan mendapatkan:

* Tempat berukuran 2 x 1 m
* 1 (satu) buah rak buku
* 1 (satu) buah kursi

Selain melihat-lihat koleksi buku, para pengunjung juga akan disuguhi dengan happening art.

Untuk informasi pendaftaran peserta Area Pameran, silakan hubungi: Rahmad Harun (HP: 0856 9259 3710)

Pengisi Talkshow/Launching/Workshop

Ingin launching buku? Ingin memperkenalkan program Anda ke publik? Ingin membagikan kebisaan Anda? Gunakan slot waktu dari pagi sampai sore yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh Anda/organisasi/komunitas/perusahaan Anda untuk melakukan talkshow/launching/workshop di FESTIVAL PEMBACA INDONESIA.

Dengan membayar Rp 1.000.000, Anda akan mendapat waktu selama 1 jam untuk mengisi di Tenda Utama Festival Pembaca Indonesia. Selama waktu tersebut, Anda diperbolehkan untuk mempromosikan/menjual produk Anda.

Untuk informasi pendaftaran peserta Talk Show/Launching/Workshop, hubungi Vera Damiri (HP: 0812 8183 713)

Salam Hangat,
Harun Harahap
Moderator Goodreads Indonesia 2010

Sumber: Goodreads Indonesia

Thursday, November 11, 2010

RoSta MaSta! 1 - The Queue

A custom in our culture - as well as anyone's... Please respect other people by staying in position in a queue. Or else - feel the RoSta wrath!

Made by vadis with StripGenerator

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